

November 28, 2013

After the wind and cold rain these past few days I'm ready for a trip into a sauna or a hot tub. A Dutchtub would be even better. Couldn't you just climb right into these photos?

Someday! Oh yes… someday this will be me. 
And the best part is it's portability… my new camping essential!

Also, my apologies for the lack of post this week. I'd like to hear from my fellow bloggers, do you keep posts ready to be published for those times when you are unexpectedly busy?

Changing my mind like I change my clothes

November 23, 2013

So, I created a living room design board earlier this week that would have had the room encased in a deep lilac and as I mentioned in my last post… I changed my mind. After painting a tiny test swatch I couldn't bring myself to go any further. I'm not colour-phobic, I just know instinctually what colours I can live with. And this purple is a too… easter egg. 

When done right this shade can be very beautiful, evidenced below.

Both covers are from this November… I'm sensing a trend here. Notice the Damien Hirst print I posted about last month?
But, I've decided I don't want lilac at all. What can I say? I'm indecisive at times and I've yet to create another design board since I want to get this one right. 

Pulling the Colour Trigger

November 20, 2013

Looking into your closet to gather a sense of your style before you outfit your home can be a good idea.  I've heard this advice many times over the years and I tend to agree. But I'd like to add that this will only work if you only keep what you love in your wardrobe because many of us keep items that we've never worn or just don't feel our best in. For this reason I suggest that if we are going to follow this rule than we should ruthlessly edit our wardrobe first or separate 3 to 5 of our favourite outfits from the bunch. I highly recommend this post from The Simply Luxurious Life and her other style posts for doing just that.

Another reason why this may be a good rule to follow is that if you're anything like me than the overall style in your Pinterest folders and other home decor inspiration files is vastly different than what's in your own wardrobe. My files are filled with rich colour pallets, lavishly accessorized rooms, and overtly feminine/girly furnishings. And while these are lovely, they just aren't truly me

If I don't dress this way than dressing my home this way likely won't make me feel most comfortable. Looking into my wardrobe and style inspiration files I see more of this…

Simple, black and white, with splashes of leopard and red. But this creates a challenge, this colour/pattern pallet can easily veer into tacky territory if one is not careful. The design board I created last month could fit the bill but what makes it is the stunning architectural detail, none of which this apartment has. What to do, what to do? Check back later this week to see what ideas I come up with.

Finding Inspiration

November 18, 2013

While watching Sex and the City 2 I was feeling quite inspired by the bold use of colour and pattern. Then along came Carrie in her spice souk outfit and I fell in love all over again. Oh how that skirt would beautifully translate into drapes. 

My apartment has wall to wall, floor to ceiling windows that need something luxurious and I think  lilac silk drapes with a silvery panel along the bottom could work. The current curtains were left behind by the previous tenant who had lived here for the past 30 years and probably installed

 them when she moved in. They really need to go (and so do the chairs for that matter, or least refinishing them completely).

 I've created two design boards because I'm undecided on the coffee table.

SofaGeddes Furniture (custom sizes available)
Pillow - 219
Dresser - Pieces
Mirror - Bungalow 5
Chairs - 1st dibs
Coffee Table  - Karl Springer

Black Glass Trophy Vase

November 17, 2013

Working in the "design district" is so much fun but so dangerous for the ol' pocket book. I did a quick tour around the antique shop next door and came out with this little black glass gem. Can't wait to fill it with peonies come spring.

Yes, I realize a much better camera is needed… recommendations are welcome!

I've had my eye out for of black glass since seeing the black satin glass antique pieces in Erin McLaughlin's dining room featured in Style at Home.

And everything in this shot is just perfection!

I'm so excited!

November 13, 2013

I'm so excited! Oh my gosh! I've landed a job at a high-end custom furniture manufacturer and showroom and I couldn't possibly be more pleased.

So that you can understand how big of a step this is for me I want to give you a little personal background about myself ...

I began my career by listening to the advice of teachers, friends, and family members rather than following my heart. I've been gifted with a natural talent for mathematics, chemistry, and physics, subjects I easily excelled at (not bragging, just being honest). I had a wonderful VP at my high school who cared about his students' futures and took interest in our progress. I remember having a discussion with him where he urged me to use these talents and not waste them. Having taken his advice to heart I persued a Bachelor of Science at the Dalhousie University. And while I did enjoy learning, I was never passionate about a career in the sciences or academia. So I left the program after two years.

Afterwards I spent some time working in various organizations while trying to formulate a plan for my future. I could never quite pull the trigger on any one of them because it never felt quite right. Then, it was announced that the organization I was working for was going under. So I panicked and went back to college to gain a degree in Finance. I felt a little more sure of this choice because I do devour personal finance books on my own time. But something still wasn't quite "right".

While still working towards the finish line of graduation I spent considerable time reading anything and everything devoted to helping its reader find and follow their passion. This blog has been a tremendous help along my path to passion. That's what caused me to begin blogging, to explore what lights me on fire.

And here's a little pretty for your eyes... My all time favourite room! Thanks for popping by and listening to my verbal "happy dance".

(Miles Redd via House Beautiful)

Preteen's Girly Bedroom Design Board

November 11, 2013

Isn't this wallpaper by Osborne & Little just dreamy? Available in this ultra girly purple and pink colour way, I was inspired to create a young girls bedroom around it.

I chose to keep the rest of the furnishings more grown-up so when she grew older a change of wallpaper and maybe reupholstering the headboard would be easy enough. I say maybe to changing the headboard because as an adult I would be more than happy to incorporate the pink in my bedroom.

The shape of the mirror nicely mimics the headboard. And true to my own style I would colour match the drapery to the background of the wallpaper. Of course the cactus is a little ode to every preteen's love of the movie Twilight (I assume anyway).

All Day Breakfast...

November 10, 2013

Do you remember the great "karate-chopped pillow" debate that was going 'round the blogosphere some time ago? Well I have a similar pet peeve to share with you... the "all day breakfast pillow". 

I had a few myself back in the day when I allowed my teeny tiny budget to dictate what to purchase. Now, I'd rather save up and buy one big, fat, fluffy pillow that I can sink into. Not only are they soooo much more comfy they add add a sense of luxuriousness to a room.

Wallpaper Love

November 6, 2013

As hard as I try I cannot get you off my mind.... 
Chinoiserie wallpaper, you're just so breath-taking. I've created a plan to make you mine at last! I think we both agree it would be a terrible shame to install you in an apartment, so lets make a compromise. How about installing you on a screen to be placed behind my bed? 

I would have a screen made thats grand in size to take up the whole back wall, to fully showcase your beauty of course.

YES, YES, YES! I love you so!

Oh, and Oly, how did you know to dress your glorious bed in pale pink bedding? Did you foresee me planning this up then finding this photo looks perfect with the design board? 

Ah yes, the finishing touches. And we are done!

The Blue & White Bash

November 4, 2013

Today I'm posted an inspiration board I've put together over the weekend for The Pink Pagoda's Blue & White Bash. It's a linking party for anyone who has a blue and white post they'd like to share. I must say I rather enjoyed going outside my comfort zone and working with a traditional blue and white scheme. 

EDIT - Found this Bunny Williams sofa that I much prefer...

I have many photos stashed away in my inspiration files of glossy blue walls which I used as a jumping off point. Using glossy paint on a panelled wall looks best, in my humble opinion. Add a touch of chinoiserie and contrast with the orange ming side tables. The light fixture I first spied over at Bijou and Boheme, have seen in person this past Saturday, and really fell in love with it. 

And while I'm on the topic of blue and white...

These are just... no words. I NEED them. The purple orchid  collection would look beautiful with my glassware.