I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful holiday season! But It's not over yet, we still have my personal favourite holiday coming up… New Year's Eve!
Over the holidays I had a bit of time to gather the few items I have around the house and style up my bedside table. Although it's still rather bare looking, it's a start. Also, please forgive the poor photo quality… I'm working on that.
These adorable little macaroons, place on the saucer from my fav teacup, have allowed me to clear the clutter that often litters my bedside table top…
They each store items I consider essential through out the night and morning… breath mints, Advil, and caffeine (I'm too impatient for tea to kick in). And the candle is from my favourite candle company, Voluspa. If you haven't had the pleasure of burning one in your own home I suggest you pick one up at your nearest Chapters or home decor store. Even the tiniest candles fill the room with a natural scent, much better than those hideously chemical and foul smelling room sprays seen advertised every five minutes on TV (Sorry for the negativity but spraying one of those is the quickest way to get me out of a room).
Here's the whole bedside table… clearly I need more Objet D'art and maybe a basket or box underneath for hidden storage.